Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jeff's Guitar

After completing my guitar Mr. Jeff Kamp asked if I could get an old project guitar of his up and running. This is the first project that started the instrument building endeavors. Thanks Jeff for planting that seed. I really wish I had the know-how at that time to paint it myself, but alas I didn't. I did try and Craig and Brent helped me out, but my skills were just too feeble at that time to finish it. Brent has reminded me that a Ed M. painted it for me. If I remember correctly the design was in Jeff's head and I help bring it out of there. I think it turned out well, a bit reminiscent of early/mid 90's design, but HEY, that's when we did this. So sue me ... I still like it though.

Here we are today. Gotta admit the guitar is in some bad shape. But, I'm not worried, it's been a project for what? ... 8 years? Longer? I honestly don't remember. I've got to purchase some missing parts, and replaces some damaged parts. First things first though, take her apart and put on a new coat of clear at Jeff's request.

Sorry Jeff, this may look a bit scary due to I brush on the clear, but it'll level out in the end. It'll be shiny once again (was it ever really shiny?).
I put the clear on at the same time I was clear coating the contest drum so I didn't have to go out of my way for this step. Hunting down some of the parts may be interesting, but honestly I haven't really looked, I've been busy with the drum. Once I get the body where I like it I'll start the parts hunt ... get the dogs ready! I'll be on the hunt soon.

Drum Is Finished!

Well the drum is finished. This drum was for a contest on Ghostnote.net, a drum building forum. Great bunch of people there. Out of 20 contestants I believe there are 16 of us still in the competition. But, to be completely truthful, everyone's drum is awesome. If I make the top 5 I'll be sending the drum up to Michigan to the DrumFoundy to be judged via a panel of 5 judges. Honestly, this is only my second build. So it being in the top 5 amongst more experienced builders isn't looking good. But, I've receive some positive comments about my work and that's really all I need. I have a few more ideas for some painted drums, then Brent and I will be exploring the world of Stave Drum building. Yes, that's actually making our own shells from scratch (well wood actually), not purchasing pre-made shells and finishing and assembling them. Through conversations with Brent he is just a giddy about this adventure as I am. I'm positive there will be many mistakes made and tons of learning experiences. I don't expect the first few to go smoothly at all, so be on the lookout in the next few months for stories of wood building gone wrong. Well, a positive side to this is I'll have some firewood this winter, eh? I'm sure some of you have no idea what a stave drum is, and that's some of what I'll be posting. A kind of tutorial of how these type of drums are made. Wish me luck!

A big thank you to Craig (aka, Cracker) for your help with wood construction, wood working tools, wood companies, and a place to store my wood (insert jokes now). You've been a big help so far, more than you know, and you'll be a huge help once Brent and I get started.

A big Thank You to Ed for the help with jig design ideas, even though we found a slide table in the end that was basically what you designed (Son Of A ...). But, why build something that is already built for you, and cheaper, and works better. Anyway, now I know what I need and what to look for at the trade show. Without your guidance I'd still be trying to re-invent the wheel. You'll be approached more in the near future for ideas and problem solving issues.

Last note for this post:
I do except cash donations for the purchasing of wood for the expansion of the Lastinger Custom Drum Company. That is all ... shameless plug I know, but since when do I care about being shameless, eh?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Contest Drum

Yeah ... it's been a bit since I've posted. I've been working on a snare drum for a contest and it's been the spawn of Satan. Deadline is August 15th and I'm out of time to fix any errors. Tonight's error was I left 2 pencil lines on the paint to mark the center lines for the vinyl tribal design. Yeah ... totally forgot to wipe them off with the cleaner. I was posting some pictures on the contest site and it hit me that I forgot those stupid lines. Of course I put the clear coat on already, so they are there to stay. I really wanted to sell this drum, but don't think I can with the lines. It's dark outside so I really can't tell if they are that noticeable, I'll have to see what other people think when I show the drum to them. If they don't notice, then I won't feel so bad, but I know they are there ... dang it!!!!! Stupid Satan drum!

So, Brent you may be getting another gift drum from me. I might be able to break even if I sell it *crosses fingers*. I think it's going to be stain and clear for a few drums in hopes of making about $50 per drum. Paint and vinyl transfer aren't working for me this time around. We'll see after the contest how I feel about another paint and vinyl drum. Had a really sweet idea for the next one too.